10 tips to give clients before an LTC insurance health interview

Written by LTCI Partners | Mar 31, 2015 4:31:00 PM

After your client applies for long-term care insurance, the insurance company will contact them for a health interview. This interview will be either a 30-45 minute telephone interview or a face-to-face paramedical exam. 


A nurse will ask questions about 

their health, medications and daily activities, along with questions to evaluate their memory. The paramedical exam takes place at the client’s home and includes measuring height, weight and blood pressure and taking urine and blood samples. It takes about an hour to complete.

Here are 10 tips to help your clients have the best result:

  1. 1. Get a good night’s rest the night before the exam.
  2. 2. If possible, don’t eat for 12 hours before the exam.  No alcoholic beverages the day before the exam.  Do not smoke or drink coffee for at least one hour before the exam.
  3. 3. Drink a glass of water before the exam.
  4. 4. Don’t over-answer the questions. It isn't necessary to mention that you sprained your ankle in a third grade soccer match.
  5. 5. Schedule a time when you won’t be distracted. Turn off the TV.  Don’t take the call when you are driving.  If something occurs that would be a distraction, ask to reschedule the interview.
  6. 6. Don’t do any heavy exercise for 24 hours before the exam.
  7. 7. Avoid taking non-prescription medications, such as cold remedies, pain relievers, vitamins and herbal remedies for at least 24 hours before the exam.
  8. 8. If you have hypertension, avoid all alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine prior to the exam.  Ask your examiner to take your blood pressure after you have had a chance to relax.
  9. 9. If you have diabetes, have your exam 2 ½ hours after a meal that includes no sugar.
  10. 10. If you are ill or under severe stress the day of the exam, consider rescheduling it for when you are feeling well.